Children's Outreach Ministries has many opportunities for you to get involved. We are currently in need of teachers and helpers for our after school Kid's Clubs. Training and all teaching materials are provided.
w Kid’s Club teachers are responsible for preparing and presenting the Bible Lesson and all related club materials each week. Teaching Kits with lesson plans are provided by COM.
w Teachers are responsible for the spiritual training of the boys and girls God has entrusted to them. Therefore, they should maintain a close walk with the Lord, continually seeking Him for guidance as they minister to the children. The Bible lesson should be prepared well in advance to give the Holy Spirit time to work it deep into their heart. The best teacher is one who teaches from his heart.
w Teachers should arrive at club at least 15 minutes early to be there to greet the children as they enter.
w Teachers are encouraged to involve their helpers by giving them some responsibilities such as leading a song, teaching the memory verse, etc.
w Teachers should enlist prayer partners who commit to pray for them throughout the week.
w Kid’s Club helpers are responsible for keeping records (attendance, memory verse, etc.). Weekly attendance figures are submitted to COM via the ChurchTeams Software club link emailed to you each week.
w Helpers should arrive at club at least 15 minutes early so they are ready to check the children in and listen to their verses.
w Helpers may assist in club by leading in song time, teaching the memory verse and helping out at game time, etc.
w The helper is there to help maintain order and keep the children focused. A good helper is one who is always present to help guide the children’s attention towards the teacher and the Bible Lesson.
w Helpers are encouraged to be ready to counsel the children who respond to the teacher’s salvation invitation. COM’s training class “How to Lead a Child to Christ” equips them to do this.
w Prayer is a vital part of the club ministry. Helpers should pray for the teacher and the students on a regular basis.
All Kid’s Club Volunteers must:
w Be born again and have the assurance of salvation; regularly attending a local Bible believing, Bible teaching church.
w Believe in both the possibility and the necessity for children to be saved from sin by coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
w Be interdenominational in spirit and able to agree with and sign the COM Statement of Faith and Worker’s Covenant as stated in the COM Worker's Manual.
w Be willing to attend teacher training sessions and adhere to the guidelines as stated in the COM Worker's Manual.
w Be in agreement with COM's Child Protection Policy and willing to submit to a police background check.
w Be called by God (I Thess 5:24.) with a sincere heart-felt burden for reaching boys and Girls for Christ.
w Be committed (Colossians 4:17) “Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.” Remembering at all times that “it is the Lord Jesus Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:24)